Jul 20, 2022 | Bad Habits, Fears/Phobias, Hypnosis, Mindfulness, Relationships, Self-esteem, Stress/Anxiety, Teens, Women’s Health
Did you know that every human being goes in and out of hypnosis for a few seconds every day, throughout the day? Stanford University has a study regarding hypnosis and hypnotherapy: ...
Feb 14, 2022 | Fears/Phobias, Hypnosis, Mindfulness, Relationships, Self-esteem, Stress/Anxiety, Teens, Women’s Health
I know that many of you, including me, are getting a little weary of the pandemic that has ravaged our world for almost two years. I pray for all those who are dealing with this global health issue and those who have lost loved ones. My heart and prayers are with you...
Oct 25, 2020 | Hypnosis, Mindfulness, Success Coaching
When the pandemic began and spread to the United States, and there was a mandated “Stay at Home Order”, I had to pivot my business from being “in-person” to “virtual”, like millions of other professionals. This was completely new, foreign, and frightening to me, as I...