When I was a pre-teen and teenager, I always wanted to be skinny, which was the norm in the late 1970’s & 80’s, for teens and young women. My dear mother and grandmother were quite heavy; and I did not want to be like them, in that regard. Therefore, to counter-act getting heavy, and not knowing any better, I would starve myself and get migraines and sometimes pass out! I was an anorexic. I continued anorexia nervosa for several years.
I truly owe it to the late, young, beautiful, talented Karen Carpenter, that I am alive and well to this day! The impact of Karen’s death at only 32 years young, was a huge wake-up call for me! I learned from that point on that the most important and precious asset we all have is our health in mind and body.
Take good care of yourself in every healthy way you can in your mind, body, and spirit. Every day is so precious, and you owe it to yourself to take good care of yourself each and every day.
Wishing you blessings of optimal health and wellbeing!