Back in the 1960’s or 70’s, there was a brief time that people were uninformed about the benefits of hypnosis, because the widespread knowledge of it was that it was used for entertainment on stages. Certainly, in the last 30+ years, it has not really been misunderstood. If anything, hypnosis has been understood better than ever and is utilized in many therapeutic ways, by medical and holistic professionals.
For those that are still under any misconceptions about hypnotherapy, I would like to dispel those myths by sharing the most ordinary form of hypnosis that each of us experience practically daily.
For example, have you ever been driving, and you almost miss the exit because you were thinking of someone or something else? That state of mind is hypnosis with your eyes wide open! Therefore, all hypnosis is self-hypnosis! No one can make you do or say anything against your beliefs, ethics, principals and/or morals.
The scientific history of hypnosis began in the latter part of the 18th century with Franz Mesmer, a German physician who used hypnosis in the treatment of patients in Vienna and Paris. Therefore, hypnosis means you are being “mesmerized”. Many clinicians made use of this technique to help relax and calm their patients without fully understanding its nature until the middle of the 19th century, when the English physician James Braid studied the phenomenon and coined the terms hypnotism and hypnosis, after the Greek god of sleep, Hypnos. *
While there are some individuals that still misunderstand hypnosis, most people and medical professionals are aware of the wonderful benefits achieved through this unique mind therapy.
I have been providing hypnotherapy for over 20 years, seeing clients as young as 5 years old (with a parent or guardian) up to 85!
I invite you or anyone whom you feel may benefit from this holistic modality, to schedule a complimentary consultation to see if my services are the best choice for every individual’s specific concerns.
Below is a resource from the American Psychological Association: