With all that has been and is continuing to go on in our communities and in the world the last several months, do you find your mind filled with anxiety, stress, uncertainty, depression, fear and more? These are certainly unprecedented times, and I am here to help.
So many parents have been their children’s “teachers”, helping shift their education to virtual, and not being able to be with their peers.
Many businesses have shut down, putting stress on their families and clients. We are unable to be with our extended families, friends and colleagues.
The fact that we need to keep our “social distancing”. Refraining from shaking hands, hugging, etc. is putting a strain on people of all ages and stages of life.
I have some suggestions that may help you.
I highly suggest and recommend you begin and end each day with gratitude. Yes, I said “gratitude” regardless of challenges and uncertainties!
Make a list of 10 or more people and things you are grateful for. Such as:
- Overall health
- Family
- Home
- Community
- Ability to work from home
- Staying connected with others (by phone, Facetime, Zoom, etc.)
- Technology
- Having “virtual” alternatives to run your business
- Spirituality
- Alternatives for exercising…and more
Gratitude will help shift your mindset to more positive thoughts.
Now more than ever, I encourage you to take advantage of my FREE MP3 for “Positive Thinking”. It may just help shift your mindset to a more positive one!
If you are interested in setting up a discovery call, please call me at 1-818-262-1246.